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Image by Nils Bouillard



From £299 + VAT


Preliminary Roost Assessment

A Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) is requested by Local Planning Authorities when your planning proposals appear to impact upon buildings or trees which may provide features suitable for bat roosts and/or within areas known for bat activity and potential.


A Preliminary Roost Assessment can be undertaken all year round during the daytime. During this assessment we survey the building/s or tree/s for evidence of bats and assess any potential for bat roosts. If bat droppings are recorded, these may be sent for DNA analysis to confirm bat species.


A desktop search for Designated sites and Habitats within the local area is also undertaken to provide further information on the site and local area. Depending on the scale of your site and proposed works, you may require third party Bat Records from a Local Record Centre which cost approximately £80. We will guide and advice you through all of this to ensure costs are kept to a minimum.


We then provide a professional report for planning purposes which includes the desktop study of the local area, the results and any recommendations.


If no potential or evidence is recorded, then you will not require any further bat surveys or mitigation. If potential or evidence is recorded, then depending on your proposed plans, you may require bat emergence surveys.




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Why Choose Us?

  • We specialise in providing bat survey reports for planning purposes and have a 100% acceptance rate with Local Planning Authorities across the UK


  • Our friendly, professional, qualified, and experienced bat ecologists will guide and advice you through the whole process from pre-survey to post report 


  • We keep fees low by providing cost effective pragmatic solutions for your project with fixed prices and tight deadlines


  • No hidden fees: Our quotes include all our quoted survey work, expenses and reporting

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